Ignatyev Kirill Borisovich

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Group of Companies “Russian investments”, Project Coordinator “Technical progress and economy of the future“.

Has higher economic education. Graduated with honors from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the MFA of Russia (MGIMO) with qualification Economist in International Economic Relations, also graduated from the Deputy Corps Academy.

Worked in the MFA of Russia, Central Office of the Moscow Council, Russian State Broadcasting Company “Ostankino”.

Deputy of the 1st State Duma of the Russian Federation.

In 1995-1999 – First Deputy Director General, Director for Economics and Finance of OJSC “Public Russian Television” (“Channel One”).

Since 2000 – Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Group of Companies “Russian investments” www.rusinvests.com (companies managing finance and investing in retail real estate, the largest property being www.silvercity.ru, technology and IT projects, development of new materials, industrial composite production, engineering. Portfolio includes about 160 mln USD of investments in the global market), monitor of projects in the field of charity and culture. Offices in Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Ivanovo, representative offices in Paris, Como, London.

President of the Fatherland Pride Charity Foundation www.bf-go.ru and the Architectural Monuments Fund. Author of 14 published works on macroeconomic, business management and history of architecture.

Partner of international company in the field of the decor and antiques “William Bond décor&antique” www.williambondart.com.

Collector of objects of art, a member of Sotheby’s and one of the main sponsors in the acquisition for the state museum of Ivanovo region of archives of the film director A. Tarkovsky http://www.rbc.ru/company/30/11/2012/834347.shtml.

Conducts teaching and scientific activity in a number of higher education institutions on the subject of “Economy of the future and technical progress”. Expert and lecturer of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.


Since 2013 – coordinator of the project Technical Progress and Economy of the Future. This project has been initiated by “Russian investments” Group of Companies and the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. Within the scope of the project analytics of the group of companies take interviews, questionnaire survey and carry on correspondence with the leading global experts in different fields of science and technics. Afterwards this information is processed from the point of view of economic forecasting and forecasting of introduction into mass consumption of the corresponding technics and technologies. Conclusions on the subject of economy of the future are presented at lectures and workshops in the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, conferences http://1000inf.ru/news/56707/?sphrase_id=24645, in the form of reports and references are sent to various public institutions, including the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, and scientific organizations. Example of lecture video recording https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ve4zMmEmIOY.

Since 1992 – a member of games and events of “What? Where? When?” International Club. Organizer of competitions in intellectual games “What? Where? When?” and “Genium”, president of the Federation of Sports Backgammon of Russia www.rusnardy.ru. Co-founder of the Internet game project – “Head Game”.

Since 2012 – a member of the Board of Trustees of Ivanovo Department of the Russian Geographical Society. Deputy of the Council of Plios Urban Settlement in 2015 – 2016.

Co-founder of Ivanovo Regional Social Movement “In protection of public interests in the field of architecture, town planning and protection of cultural heritage “Arkhdozor”.

Supports charitable projects in the city of Plios, Ivanovo region:

  • Member of the Board of Plios Local Lore Society.

  • Member of the Board of Trustees of Plios Secondary General School.

  • Publisher of the newspaper Plios Vedomosti www.pliosvedomosti.ru.

  • Co-sponsor of art and musical festivals (Shalyapin, Levitan, etc.).

Curator of educational and cultural event project “Krysha” www.krysha.org, which includes lectures, presentations, discussions and film screenings.

Co-founder and producer of “Nasledniki” film studio www.kinonasledniki.ru.

Founder of the project of multipurpose IT–platform CREABank (custom production service, aggregator of creative databases and 3D-software, 3D-construction kit, portal and the production technologies search engine).

Co-founder of the “Followay” optimum route selection service.

Partner of the engineering company “KB Arkhipov” (development of unmanned car and tractor, composite parts and bodies, “smart” luggage).

Organizer and host of the International Scientific Futurological Forum named after Academician Sakharov “The World in Half a Century”.

Wikipedia: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%98%D0%B3%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C%D0%B5%D0%B2,_%D0%9A%D0%B8%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%BB_%D0%91%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87

Budenny Alexey Sergeyevich, born in 1961.

Graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University. Worked in the field of information services. In 1999 -2001 – Manager of Moscow affiliate off PepsiCo Group. Since 2001 conducted private consulting activity. From 2002 – Project Manager in “Russian investments” GC. In 2006-2008 –  Director General of LLC Vega “Vega Engineering”. Director General of LLC “Mobiltelecom”. Member of the Board of Directors of “Russian investments” GC, supervisor of projects in the field of telecommunications.

Mikaelyan-Sineva Ruzanna Rafaelyevna.
Graduated from RGGU and Lomonosov Moscow State University. In 1996-1998 was employed in the administration of OJSC “Public Russian Television” (“Channel One”). In 1999–2001 –  Assistant to the Director General of “Novotel-Moscow” company. Since 2001 – associate of “Russian investments” GC. In 2004-2006 – Media Director of the company “Fedcom Media”. Since 2007 –  Project Manager in “Russian investments” GC.

Piraynen Victor Yuryevich, born in 1955, graduated from Technical College attached to the Leningrad Metal Plant. From 1977 to 1992 worked at the Central Scientific Research Institute of Materials, completed work at CSRIM in the position of Deputy Director General. Leading Russian specialist in the field of special types of molding. Author of internationally acclaimed projects in the field of artistic molding and campanology. Full Member of the Association of Bell Casting Art of Russia. One of the heads of the Union of Moulders. Professor, Doctor of Engineering, author of over 120 published articles, including 9 books and 53 inventions. Director General of OJSC “Design and Technology Institute of Foundry Engineering”, Deputy Director General of OJSC CSRIM Invest”, member of the Board of Directors of “Russian investments” GC, Project Manager in “Russian investments” GC, supervisor of projects in the field of foundry industry, development of new materials and engineering.

Trifonov Vasily Vasilyevich, born in 1949, graduated from Sepukhov Lenin Komsomol Highest Command Engineering School and Military Academy. Until 1992 served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Since 1993 worked as Deputy Director General of an affiliate of “Orimi” Group, then as the Commercial Director of OJSC “LMP”, member of the Board of Directors and shareholder of CJSC “Power Machines”. Until 2007 – Director General of CJSC “Pakt”. In 2004-2008 – member of the Board of Directors of CJSC “Morskoy vokzal” (Saint-Petersburg). Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC “Apatit-Story”, since 2008 – Deputy Director General of OJSC “Apatit-Story” for international relations, Director General of OJSC “CSRIM Invest”, Chairman of the Board of Directors of LLC “Kola Innovation Center”, member of the Board of Directors of “Russian investments” GC, Project Manager in Murmansk region and Saint-Petersburg.